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Giuseppe Spiteri Fremond's Messa Grande is the latest addition to APS Bank from Malta and Gega New publishing house's ongoing project to showcase the works of leading Maltese composers. This 2CD set is part of a series that features Maltese liturgical music from the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. With a focus on 19th century music, the album highlights the creativity of composers in Malta during this period. Messa Grande is a captivating collection that showcases the talent and artistry of Giuseppe Spiteri Fremond.
Get ready to immerse yourself in the beauty and richness of Maltese classical music with Giuseppe Spiteri Fremond's Messa Grande.

The recordings were made on 24-29 November 2006 in the Chapel of the Porziuncola Hou of the Franciscan Fathers, Bahar ic-Caghaq, Malta

Giuseppe Spiteri Fremond · Messa Grande [2CD]

  • Messa Grande per soli, coro e orchestra. Sinfonia


    CD I
    [1] Kyrie 10’10’’
    [2] Gloria in excelsis Deo 6’29’’
    [3] Laudamus te 8’05’’
    [4] Gratias agimus 4’44’’
    [5] Domine Deus 12’07’’
    [6] Qui tollis 12’43’’
    [7] Qui Sedes 9’12’’
    DDD 53’13’’


    CD II
    GLORIA (continued)
    [1] Quoniam tu solus 7’41’’
    [2] Cum Sancto Spiritu – Amen 8’08’’
    [3] Credo 11’46’’
    [4] Sanctus 6’04’’
    [5] Agnus dei 8’25’’
    [6] Sinfonia in do maggore 12’38’’
    DDD 54’42’’



  • Anita Saliba (soprano), Joseph Aquilina (tenor)

    Alfred Camilleri (baritone), Anthony, Montebello (bass)

    The Mirabitur Choir (choirmistress - Simone Attard)

    The Jubal Orchestra, leader - Mario Bisazza

    Rev. John Galea (conductor)

Bulgarian Website
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